Minggu, 05 September 2010

Wedding di Pantai - Beach Bali Wedding photography

Balangan is part of the Jimbaran hill, lies far below the western part. The beach was quite beautiful and of course you can watch the sunset there. Sometimes there is also some people think to do the wedding blessing there, like this one ... mmm, quite unique for us.

This place is quite difficult , narrow and dangerous place because a lot of sharp rocks ready to scratch the skin if not careful. When you slip the head and camera can be smash..But hard place is the most beautiful place.

Western ideas
sometimes weird for us (eastern), but we think this wedding is quite unique and challenging, and we are very happy to capture their wedding day in Balangan beach.

We're not good writer and english translator, but we try to explain to you, I hope these photos can represent their happiness more than our mess article, greetings from us, Bali wedding photography - Bali wedding photographer - Bali prewedding photography - engagement photography.

Balangan adalah bagian dari bukit jimbaran, terletak jauh di bawah bagian barat. Pantainya cukup indah dan tentu saja anda dapat menyaksikan sunset disana. Terkadang ada pula yang berfikir untuk melakukan wedding blessing disana seperti klien kami yang satu ini...mmm, cukup unik.
Sebuah liputan wedding photography yang cukup sulit, tempatnya sempit dan cukup berbahaya karena banyak batu karang yang tajam siap menggores kulit bila tidak hati-hati. Bila terpeleset kepala dan kamera bisa hancur..serem juga -_-
Kalo sudah bule punya ide, terkadang aneh-aneh saja, tetapi kami pikir wedding seperti ini cukup unik dan menantang, jadi ada plus dan minusnya juga.
Kami tidak pandai menulis panjang lebar, semoga foto-foto ini mampu mewakili kebahagian mereka, salam bali wedding photography- wedding photographer- prewedding photography.

for more information


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